Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kenya in 28 days!

So I thought I would post my first blog about my trip to Africa.  I'll be gone for 2 weeks working at an Orphange in Diani, Kenya.  It will be 8 to 5 and I will have the weekends off. I am so completely excited and ready to go. One other volunteer through the company Travellers Worldwide will be with me.  Many last minute things to get together now, but as of now I have my visa, my flights etc... I will try to keep as many posts on here as possible before, or after the trip!   I wish everyone could have this same opportunity, be on a look out for many pictures of the beautiful nature, wildlife, and of course the wonderful kids and people I am about to meet.    

My thoughts are consumed every day about life here, the luxorious lifestyle I live. (which of course I am extremely thankful for!)  I cannot wait to be extremely humbled again and live with another culture, experience a new world, a new life and do something to better serve other people while taking in it all in.  
I get my all my shots next Tuesday!! Wish me luck ;)   

With that said, on this blog I plan to post anything from travel experiences, Hairstyles, fashion ideas, health and wellness, workouts, How-to's, music videos, poems, quotes, and many other little things that I find fascinating !


  1. I LOOOOOVEE YOU SOOO STINKIN MUCH!!! My beautiful Des, you have no idea. I cannot WAIT to hear/read/see all about your trip. Your passion inspires me to great depths! Hip Hip Hurray for
    the start of your BLOG!!! =]


  2. Africa is AMAZING!!! you will love it! ps im told we need to meet :) we should do a girls night out! (or in!)

  3. Des!

    Be careful, I am so inspired by you and the things you are not afraid to try. You shine! It will be very excited to read and watch the things that you are doing.

    Take care!

