Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day one less then 24 hours!

I leave tomorrow, and I hope that I have internet when I arrive in Diani, Kenya. So I hope to be able to update and upload pictures of my adventure. I am so excited and blessed to be able to go.  A huge thanks to CIndy and Tracy for letting me take this time off from wonderful work, in order to go for these 2 weeks!  This is a short blog I know, but more too come.  I have to go pack! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kenya in 28 days!

So I thought I would post my first blog about my trip to Africa.  I'll be gone for 2 weeks working at an Orphange in Diani, Kenya.  It will be 8 to 5 and I will have the weekends off. I am so completely excited and ready to go. One other volunteer through the company Travellers Worldwide will be with me.  Many last minute things to get together now, but as of now I have my visa, my flights etc... I will try to keep as many posts on here as possible before, or after the trip!   I wish everyone could have this same opportunity, be on a look out for many pictures of the beautiful nature, wildlife, and of course the wonderful kids and people I am about to meet.    

My thoughts are consumed every day about life here, the luxorious lifestyle I live. (which of course I am extremely thankful for!)  I cannot wait to be extremely humbled again and live with another culture, experience a new world, a new life and do something to better serve other people while taking in it all in.  
I get my all my shots next Tuesday!! Wish me luck ;)   

With that said, on this blog I plan to post anything from travel experiences, Hairstyles, fashion ideas, health and wellness, workouts, How-to's, music videos, poems, quotes, and many other little things that I find fascinating !